Sunday, April 16, 2006

Mary Has Died

Mary died at 3:12 AM. Jim had left at 1:00 AM. The family had set a limit of midnight last night, so I assume Jim was reluctant. Later in the day, when I visited the family, I found a way to sharing with them that some people won't leave until the family leaves. It had been the case with my own mother. She did not want to die with me and Dad around. "What's important," I said, "Is that you were always there in life, when it was really important."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Missed you, John.

This is how it was with my mother too. I had been to visit her in Arizona, then my sister went to visit her two weeks later, and three days after my sister left my mom died. I believe many times God lets people choose, and this is what they choose.

Dana Ames in California

8:41 PM  

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